Why (and how to) present and publish to advance your #highered career in 2020

Sharing to advance your higher ed career We love to share in higher education. It’s part of our culture. Our industry is probably the only one where competitors (institutions competing for the best students, faculty or resources) exchange homework, tutor each other and embrace artistic borrowing as a way of getting things done – fast […]

Nikki Synstrum keynoting at eduweb17

I certainly do recommend this course. I learned exactly what I was looking for: how to apply a higher education mindset to specific, relevant strategies and practical data analysis using Google Analytics. As I have often found in the higher ed web community, there is a lot of value in the peer discussions. We are all dealing with similar (some time the same!) issues. Advice and suggestions abound.

Chris Mancuso, Metropolitan State University of Denver. Chris Mancuso, Metropolitan State University of Denver,
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